Our fields of application

Water covers a large part of the Earth, but 97 % of it is salty and located in the ocean. Freshwater, on the other hand, represents less than 3 %. It represents a precious resource for humanity and human activity, but unfortunately it's not enough.

To combat the shortage of drinking water on the planet, AIRDRINK offers the installation of atmospheric water generators, with the following benefits:

  • no dependence on the conventional network
  • no water shortage
  • no water pollution
  • no environmental pollution from drinking bottled water
  • clean, pure, drinkable water available at any time.

Individual or collective housing, hospitals, schools, hotels...

Isolated areas

For isolated areas where running water is unavailable, islands, military camps, irrigation ...


Equipping and supplying disaster and refugee camps...

Emergency situation

Equip a camp in just a few hours in the event of an emergency such as a fire or natural disaster.

Industrial needs

For textile, mining and other water-intensive industries.

Strategic water reserves

To maintain water levels in reservoirs, water towers or dams...


Our solutions

The incredible C2 small atmospheric water generator, small and quiet, ideal for individual or couple use!
The C3 for a family of up to 4, for outdoor use sheltered from the elements.
The C8 atmospheric water generator produces between 15 and 25 liters of pure mineral water per day.
The C60 atmospheric water generator is ideal for hotels, communities, schools...
